Wiccan | Algard Coven of Modern Witchcraft
our origin
The Algard Tradition of Wicca was founded in 1972 by Mary Nesnick in the United States of America. Initiated in the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Covens, Nesnick absorbed the foundations and teachings of the two Wiccan Traditions to formulate her vision of Wicca, thus creating a new strand.
The Algard Coven of Modern Witchcraft in Brazil was formed in 2010 in Santa Catarina and since then has continued to update Nesnick's practices and shape tradition, always seeking the modernity of the cult and practices without losing the essence of Tradition.
On the 10th anniversary of the Coven, we discussed the idea of taking the tradition to the rest of Brazil and the best way to do this is with the help of our Priests, Initiates, Neophytes and the composition of this website.
Here we will have all the bases of our coven practices, teachings, studies and knowledge to pass on openly.